Alimentec is a food distributor using through its products, the highest technology and quality control for healthy eating.
Motivated by the growing trend of natural food in the world, we initially bring to the United States manioc starch and sweet manioc starch – an ingredient derived from manioc, which can be used in a number of practical and healthy cooking recipes.
Manioc starch also known as cassava, has become an ally of people with healthy living habits. Fat free, rich in easily digestible carbohydrates, and gluten free, this food can replace flours in several products, being an option for people who have gluten intolerance.
Health care can greatly aid in the quest for a better quality of life. Therefore, in addition to bringing this new food to the United States, Alimentec aims at helping the market with alternatives that promote healthy eating, generating better health, and well-being.
We also publish simple and delicious recipes that can be prepared with our products. We seek to contribute to a healthier lifestyle not only for this generation but also for future generations.
We seek to prove that changing food patterns can be fun, surprising, and very tasty. If you also want to be part of this change, join us!